Thursday, October 11, 2012

Scottish Wee Heavy All Grain Kit from Northern Brewer

Brewed  Northern Brewer's All-Grain Wee Heavy Kit a few months ago. Everything went according to plan. Fermented @ 65 or so with WYeast 1728 Scottish Ale yeast. Bottled tonight. 10/11/2012.

Bottling yielded twelve 16 oz. flip top bottles, ten 22+ oz. bomber bottles, and four oddball recycled flip-tops of various sizes. Added .65 oz. of corn dextrose for priming. I guestimated that amount using's priming calculator.

Tasting notes:
  1. Mmmmmm!!!!
  2. You can just begin to taste the alcohol (but not at all in a bad way) which puts the ABV @ 7-8% + (Didn't write down the O.G. on brew day.)
  3. Clean, malty, Scottish; Just the way a wee heavy should be.
  4. Mmmmmm!!!!
12/21/2012 Update
These bottles never carbonated. Barely noticeable carbonation was the goal. Zero carbonation was the result. 

Next time:
I think re-yeasting on bottling day may have helped. The beer was crystal clear at bottling, and I don't think there was enough yeast to eat the priming sugar and carb the bottles.

What I would NOT do would be to add more priming sugar for 2 reasons:
1. A fizzy wee heavy is not a wee heavy. It's just weird. 
2. If re-yeasting doesn't work, then extra sugar will only make it sweeter, and this bear already has plenty of sweetness in its natural habitat, a Studebaker.

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